Tuesday, July 7, 2020

34. Hindy Najman, Seconding Sinai

34. Hindy Najman, Seconding Sinai

Spotify Link

iTunes Link
YouTube Link

Join the YouTube After Party.

What is Second Temple Judaism? How did Jews who were roughly contemporary with the earliest Christians interpret the Hebrew Bible to apply it to their changing situations? A discussion of Hindy Najman's Seconding Sinai.

Hindy Najman, Seconding Sinai: The Development of Mosaic Discourse in Second Temple Judaism (Brill, 2003).

Thanks to Carnegie Band for use of their song "Come Home."

56. James Dunn, "The New Perspective on Paul"

56. James Dunn, "The New Perspective on Paul" iTunes Link YouTube Link Spotify Link What is the relationship between Paul's Ju...